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Cool Hand Kendall Meets Linkin And Pam

September 25, 2009

My friend Kendall will find out soon if he's going to be on probation and restricted to a state that he's never lived in, or if he'll be sent to prison for 7 years at the age of 63.

This is volume 1 of his story.

I must have met Kendall in 9th grade, but it might have been as soon as 6th grade. Kendall and I went to separate elementary schools. I went to Warren G. Harding Elementary School – the one made famous or infamous in "A Christmas Story" by Jean Shepherd. We lived in Hammond, Indiana – called Hohman, Indiana (after Hohman Avenue) by Jean Shepherd. I lived in the Hessville neighborhood, where my father's neighbor was Mr. Farcus (called Skut Farkus by Jean Shepherd). Kendall went to Oliver Perry Morton Elementary School. We may have met in church as early as 6th grade.

Kendall's face had rough features like a statue whose sculptor never finished. He had a huge shock of red hair that resisted being trained to go in just one direction. His hands were huge.

When we were old enough to drive, Kendall owned a VW Bug, Bob owned a VW Bug, my father...


Tags: hammond, hammond indiana, harding school, hessville, indiana, infatuation, jean shepherd, linkin mall, miner dunn, morton high school, teenagers, volkswagen, warren g harding

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